miércoles, 28 de noviembre de 2007
¿Qué es Pensamiento complejo y complejidad? | IIPC
"¿Qué es Pensamiento complejo y complejidad? En esta síntesis es importante comprender tres nociones fundamentales que están asociadas y permiten entender los principios y fundamentos que rigen la creación y las actividades del IIPC. Estas nociones son: complejidad, pensamiento complejo y planetarización. ¿Qué entendemos por complejidad?"
martes, 27 de noviembre de 2007
NeoFronteras » Sistema microbiano produce hidrógeno con alto rendimiento - Portada - Ciencia y Tecnología - Noticias
miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2007
martes, 20 de noviembre de 2007
Barack Obama’s Tech Plan Doesn’t Address Real Issues - The Visible Enterprise
"The U.S. presidential candidate to beat — as far as many tech companies are concerned, anyway — may be Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), who recently presented a nine-page technology plan called “Connecting and Empowering All Americans Through Technology and Innovation.” Quite a mouthful and, according to CrunchGear, the ambitious plan includes such issues as wireless spectrums, broadband access, network neutrality and immigration. (A link to the whole thing is included.)
The plan also calls for the appointment of a chief technology officer, whose responsibilities would include making the work of government agencies more transparent through the use of Web 2.0 tools such as Webcasts, wikis and blogs.
While this sounds grand, says ZDNet blogger Larry Dignan, it doesn’t address what the federal government really needs: better project management and more respect for its CIOs. Dignan mentions the Department of Homeland Security, where the CIO had the task of herding cats at 22 agencies and, until recently, had no budget authority. This goes a long way toward explaining the DHS’ woeful record on tech initiatives. Exhibit B: We blogged about the Department of Agriculture’s recent decision to have its CFO pull double duty as CIO, the first time in nearly eight years that it hasn’t had a dedicated CIO."
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2007
NPR: Reflexiones en una Asamblea_
Autor Desconocido
Cuentan que en la carpintería hubo una vez una extraña asamblea. Fue una reunión de herramientas para arreglar sus diferencias. El Martillo fue nombrado Director de Debates, pero la asamblea le notificó que tenía que renunciar: La causa, ¡hacía demasiado ruido! Y se la pasaba el tiempo golpeando. El Martillo aceptó la culpa, pero pidió que también fuera expulsado El Tornillo, dijo que había que darle muchas vueltas para que sirviera de algo. Ante el ataque El Tornillo aceptó también, pero a su vez pidió la expulsión del Papel de Lija. Hizo ver que era muy áspera en el trato y siempre tenía fricciones con los demás. Y La Lija estuvo de acuerdo, a condición de que fuera expulsado El Metro que siempre se la pasaba midiendo a los demás según su medida, como si fuera el único perfecto.
En ese momento entró el carpintero, se colocó el delantal e inició su trabajo. Utilizó El Martillo, El Papel de Lija, El Metro, y al Tornillo. Finalmente, la tosca madera inicial se transformó en un lindo mueble.
ha turbado tan profundamente el espíritu humano,
ni ninguna otra idea ha estimulado tan intensamente
su intelecto"
Por una "HUMANIDAD MAS HUMANA " ...en XinergiaS !!!
Amilcar Perez Lista ( Xibersor )
XinergiaS : " .-._. UNO en TODOS y TODOS en UNO .-._. "
TLF.:0212-3527982- 0416-8297276
jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007
NPR: Federico Fellini used the dominant art of our time — movies
Federico Fellini used the dominant art of our time — movies –- to perform his cine-magic and communicate his penetrating images, which effectively liberated millions the world over from 2000 years of oppressive Catholic doctrine. Fellini's remarkable contributions continue to be felt and appreciated today. In October 2007 he will be honored at Rome's prestigious Film Festival.
Using the power of Fellini's cine-magic, A Different World Is Possible will, in a short time, transport us from an age of lunacy to a new age of sanity. It will open eyes so all may see how humanity has been manipulated for centuries by false prophets, tyrants, and military megalomaniacs. It will vitalize millions of disheartened people into taking back control of their lives and their planet from the claws of evil powerholders.
The storyline, originally discussed during a number of meetings with Fellini in the early 60's, retains all the Master's ideas while being updated by his collaborator Aldo Vidali to reflect current realities in light of the worldviews of Noam Chomsky and Hugo Chavez. The script remains a closely guarded secret until the film's release for protection of its unique content. The movie screen will take us over a fantastic panorama of three worlds: past, present, and future, inspiring and showing us how fair sharing of the commonwealth for the common good can create sustainable prosperity for all.
To appreciate the importance of this film project, please explore our site in depth and pass along what you discover to others. We invite you to communicate your thoughts on our blog.
Por una "HUMANIDAD MAS HUMANA " ...en XinergiaS !!!
Amilcar Perez Lista ( Xibersor )
XinergiaS : " .-._. UNO en TODOS y TODOS en UNO .-._. "
TLF.:0212-3527982- 0416-8297276
NPR: Communication Evolution is an open association of progressive
Communication Evolution is an open association of progressive writers, filmmakers, actors, publishers, and other active individuals dedicated to creating powerful works for social change. The association aims to effectively expand understanding of Federico Fellini's art of cine-magic and the linguistic science that exposes false visual and verbal frames , thereby assisting people everywhere to read between the lines, pierce smokescreens, laugh at dog-and-pony shows, and ultimately to discriminate between truthful information and propaganda. Such discrimination is essential to the security and longevity of healthy human societies.
The streaming clip above introduces Fellini collaborator, writer/director Aldo Vidali of Uneco Films, and University of California Berkeley Linguistics Professor George Lakoff, bestselling author of Don't Think of an Elephant and America's foremost authority on the power of verbal framing.
Visual and verbal frames are conceptual structures that shape the way we see and understand the world. Every frame is realized in the brain by neural circuitry. Each time a neural circuit is activated, it is strengthened. The power of false frames has always been used by dark powers to oppress and dominate , while the power of truthful frames is used to liberate. From this knowledge of truthful frames and how they work on the human psyche evolves the idea of "conscious communication ," the most effective way to bring about a new and better world.
Communication Evolution's first film project, tentatively titled: A Different World Is Possible, is a penetrating call for public awakening through the dynamic power of truthful frames.
Please visit our blog where you can voice your opinions and join the international dialogue.
Por una "HUMANIDAD MAS HUMANA " ...en XinergiaS !!!
Amilcar Perez Lista ( Xibersor )
XinergiaS : " .-._. UNO en TODOS y TODOS en UNO .-._. "
TLF.:0212-3527982- 0416-8297276