jueves, 1 de noviembre de 2007

NPR: Communication Evolution is an open association of progressive

NPR: Notas para Reflexionar ...hagamos XinergiaS


Communication Evolution is an open association of progressive writers, filmmakers, actors, publishers, and other active individuals dedicated to creating powerful works for social change. The association aims to effectively expand understanding of Federico Fellini's art of cine-magic and the linguistic science that exposes false visual and verbal frames , thereby assisting people everywhere to read between the lines, pierce smokescreens, laugh at dog-and-pony shows, and ultimately to discriminate between truthful information and propaganda. Such discrimination is essential to the security and longevity of healthy human societies.

FelliniThe streaming clip above introduces Fellini collaborator, writer/director Aldo Vidali of Uneco Films, and University of California Berkeley Linguistics Professor George Lakoff, bestselling author of Don't Think of an Elephant and America's foremost authority on the power of verbal framing.

Visual and verbal frames are conceptual structures that shape the way we see and understand the world. Every frame is realized in the brain by neural circuitry. Each time a neural circuit is activated, it is strengthened. The power of false frames has always been used by dark powers to oppress and dominate , while the power of truthful frames is used to liberate. From this knowledge of truthful frames and how they work on the human psyche evolves the idea of "conscious communication ," the most effective way to bring about a new and better world.

Communication Evolution's first film project, tentatively titled: A Different World Is Possible, is a penetrating call for public awakening through the dynamic power of truthful frames.

Please visit our blog where you can voice your opinions and join the international dialogue.

Por una "HUMANIDAD MAS HUMANA " ...en XinergiaS !!!

Amilcar Perez Lista ( Xibersor )
XinergiaS : " .-._. UNO en TODOS y TODOS en UNO .-._. "
TLF.:0212-3527982- 0416-8297276

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